Monday, September 7, 2009

Terra Blue

We were given a list of things to chose from for our projects for a multimedia class, one of them being the effects of the economy on a small business. And thats the one i chose, although I am not putting the audio up, I would like to share a few pictures that I took in this awesome little shop I found on Elm street. The store is called Terra Blue its a coffee shop/pagen boutique sort of thing, with everything you need to make your own jewlery. I wasn't sure what i was in for when i walked into the little store, but i ended up getting some great shots of things that are offered in there, but sadly no images of the owner or any people. That is one thing that I wish I would have gotten. Thats only a few, because this uploader thing was being weird and wouldn't let me upload more >.<

1 comment:

  1. i have some of those little buddhas! i love that place ^^

